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A statement tomb check 6.000 euros to enroll in Castilian in Catalonia


A statement tomb check 6.000 euros to enroll in Castilian in Catalonia


The Administrative Litigation Division of the Superior Court of Madrid, in its judgment number 537/2018, of 21 of September, rule out the obligation to pay 6000 euros in compensation for school fees in a Catalan center in which the Castilian is used as a lingua franca.

The Superior Court of Madrid upheld the appeal filed by the attorney of the Generalitat of Catalonia against the decision of the General Directorate of Assessment and Cooperation of the Ministry of Education, Cultura y Deporte, of 23 July 2015, on recognition of obtaining compensation for school fees.


El caso hace referencia a la solicitud de un padre sobre el reconocimiento del derecho a obtener compensación por los gastos de escolarización de su hija –alumna de 1º de Primaria- matriculada directly en un centro privado solicitando la utilización del castellano as the language on the basis of paragraph 4 de la Disposición Adicional 38ª de la Organic Law 2/2006 de Educación:

In the autonomous communities with, next to the Castilian, another official language according to its statutes, o, in the case of Navarre, con lo establecido en la Organic Law 13/1982, of 10 de agosto, Reintegration and Improvement of the Autonomous Regime of Navarre, the education authorities must guarantee the right of students to receive lessons in both official languages, its educational programming according to the following criteria (…) the educational authorities should ensure sustained publicly funded educational offering in which the Castilian is used as a lingua franca en una proporción razonable.

Parents, madres o tutores legales tendrán derecho a que sus hijos o pupilos receive instruction in Castilian, dentro del marco de la programación educativa. If programming anual de la Administración educativa competente no reasonable teaching offer would guarantee sustained by public funds in which the Castilian is used as a lingua franca, the Ministry of Education, Cultura y Deporte, after verification of this situation, asumirá entirely, por cuenta de la Administración educational correspondiente, los gastos efectivos de escolarización de estos alumnos y alumnas en centros privados in which such an offer with conditions and procedures determined by regulation exists, expenses impact to such educational administration.


The Superior Court of Madrid determines that, debido a que la resolución se ve afectada por el alance de la nulidad acordada por el Tribunal Constitucional, it is not necessary to examine their motivation given the relevance of the statement of the Constitutional Court. So, la sentencia señala que la citada Resolución on recognition of obtaining compensation for school fees ha de anularse due to the direct effect of the judgments of the Constitutional Court.

The ruling states that “en modo alguno puede incidir en el derecho a la educación o a recibir la enseñanza en las lenguas cooficiales for students interested. Todos These issues go beyond the scope of this resource“, añade.


